Erick Leskinen
Erick was the photographer at Aster Place Imagine at 2007 Burning Man, see Erick's Wiki by clicking on the link above. After two and half years, Erick has finished working for Maine Photographic Workshops and Rockport College as their Digital Technology Manager in Rockport Maine, a non-profit organization. Erick has moved to Michigan. Erick's passion of photography started in the 1970's. He has enjoyed photographing a wide range of subjects including: landscapes, nature, wildlife, and people. Photography is also an integral part of his enjoyment of travel and outdoor adventure. Erick's study of photography has included attending professional workshops, working with other photographers, and by doing! One of Erick's areas of expertise is Environmental Portraits - capturing a person's essence in their own environment whether it is work, living, or play. In 1979, I was looking to purchase a 4X5 view camera and I didn't know which one to get. When I saw Ansel Adams on the cover of Time magazine with a Horseman 4X5 view camera, I ordered my camera that week. When I found myself needing a camera a little more portable, I got a Zone VI 4X5 field camera.